Interesting to know

DNA test – believe it or not

The Genealogy Simple team previously posted several articles on the subject of what an ethnic DNA test is. We talked about what a DNA test is, why it is interesting and why it should be done. Understanding this topic, we decided to highlight its second side. Is this test accurate? Is he reliable?

Turning to foreign articles, one can find the opinion that when ordering a test in two different companies, for example, as “MyHeritage” or “23andMy” or in some other company, different results come out on the DNA test. That is, a different percentage of representatives of different peoples, etc.

What is the reason for this? Why it happens?

It all depends on the base of the company that does this test. Based on the number of people who have already passed this test.

So if somewhere there is a people that has been very little tested and studied on DNA markers, on haplogroups, then in fact the heritage that this people bears will not be taken into account.

The person ordering this test is absolutely sure that all representatives of the Slavic haplogroup of eastern Slavs are covered by these studies.

In fact, even one percent of those people who live in several countries and are representatives of this haplogroup are not currently covered.

Of course, there are people who are more interested in their roots than others, for example, Jews, of course there the studies will be more complete, because more people carrying this haplogroup were covered by research.

Currently, the base is fragmented, a single base does not exist.

As in any business, it can’t do without competition between the companies that offer this test. There are certain agreements between the major players; those who ordered the test know that the results of “MyHeritage” cannot be added to “Ancestry”, the results of “Ancestry” cannot be added to “23andMy” and all this together cannot be added to the free folk base.

If you still decide and do a DNA test for ethnicity, then you should constantly monitor the database that will make it possible to find those people who are closest to you, communicate with them, identify where they are from, where you could have common ancestors.

This is a good analysis for the presence of common relatives whom you yourself are looking for in these databases.

So to be sure of 100 percent of this test is impossible. But it is certainly not interesting, it opens up new horizons and a new vision of oneself and one’s origin.

Good luck in finding.

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