When our ancestors, Trypillian Aryans, went to settle India more than 7 thousand years ago, they carried with them the Knowledge-Veda about their Gods and Goddesses. One of the Slavic-Aryan Goddesses was the Goddess Karna – the embodiment of the law of retribution.
To this day, in Slavic languages there are many words with the root kar (karn): “karat” (Ukrainian) – punish, “karnat” (Russian) – shorten, “kartma” (Ukrainian) – the absence of something or failure in what something. Just as a witch is abbreviated as “VEDMA” “VEDayushchaya” (Russian) – knowing, “MAt'” (Russian) – mother, then karma is an abbreviation “KARMA” “KARayushchaya” (Russian) – punishing, “MAt'” (Russian) – mother. Thus, we believe that the word “karma” was formed on behalf of the Goddess Karna, which in Sanskrit means “action”.
Since the Vedic culture at one time acted as the worldview basis – the doctrine of karma (causal connection) and reincarnation (rebirth) became a universal property.
Today the myth is popular that the doctrine of karma is most fully developed in Hinduism, while other peoples do not, but in fact it is not. Before the advent of Christianity, reincarnation was one of the significant aspects of the religious beliefs of all European peoples: Slavs, Finns, Icelanders, Laplanders, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, ancient Saxons and Celts of Ireland, Scotland, England, Britain. In ancient Greece and Rome they also believed in reincarnation. For example, Pythagoras and Plato were bright followers of this teaching.
Even early Christianity also adhered to the theory of reincarnation and karma. Jesus Christ himself preached the doctrine of reincarnation and karma, simply using other terms. In the place where the Bible describes Jesus’ arrest, one should pay attention to the fact that He clearly indicates the karmic law of retribution. One of His disciples cuts off the ear of a high priest’s slave. Jesus tells the disciple to remove his sword, “for all who take the sword will perish with the sword.” Then, out of compassion, Jesus heals the ear of a slave, blessing him and saving his disciple from the karmic consequences of harming another person. The apostle Paul also sets forth the doctrine of the law of karma when he says: “Everyone will bear his burden… Do not be deceived: God does not scold. What a man sows, he will reap… Each will receive his reward according to his work.”
In the Slavic Vedic tradition (in the Slavic kind), the phenomena of retribution and rebirth (karma and reincarnation) are primordial and so common that we do not always realize this. Despite the external “dominance” of the Christian attitude to the world, more and more often in life there are more ancient Vedic views of our Ancestors. They penetrated most of the Slavic songs, tales, epics, traditions.
We all literally grew up on the doctrine of karma, just did not call this phenomenon – karma, since there were only a few Slavic magicians, sorcerers and priests, and they could not tell it to people in full. Instead, we heard a simplified version: “Everything returns to normal”, “What you reap, you reap”, “Each action causes equal opposition” and, finally, “You receive love exactly as much as you give”. In essence, karma tells us that everything we do will return, having described the full circle, to the threshold of our house sometime and anywhere.
However, not everyone realizes what karma and reincarnation really is, and why they matter so much…
Think now about the abilities with which you were born, and about all the good that happened to you in life. Also think about the so-called limitations and trials that have come your way. Both of these aspects are related to your karma. The doctrine of karma simply explains to us that everything that happens to us at the present moment is a consequence of the reasons that we ourselves activated in the past, regardless of whether it was ten minutes or ten lives ago.
Karma, as a concept, means responsibility and retribution for actions, reincarnation is just a synonym for the word chance.
Our souls incarnate (abide in the physical body) many times. In the Slavic Tradition, this circle of rebirths (reincarnations) is called – Kolorod, in Hinduism – Sansara. Reincarnation gives us the opportunity to be born again and… pay off karmic debts in relation to other people, become free and reap the fruits of our blessed deeds.
The doctrine of karma and reincarnation explains that our soul, following the same patterns that can be observed in nature, goes through the path of birth, maturation, death, and then regains the possibility of rebirth. This teaching tells us that we are part of a moving stream of consciousness, and that our soul develops in the process of accumulating the experience of many lives.
The natural cycles of karma and reincarnation can help us understand how we got to where we are today and what to do about it. They can help us understand why we were born with a certain set of abilities and talents, crises and trials, vocations and aspirations. They can help us deal with questions that torment us in moments of irritation: “Why was I born to these parents? Why were these children born to me? Why am I afraid of water or heights? Why didn’t I get married or unhappily get married?” etc.
Slavic wise men teach that the Soul is directly connected with the personality of a person and has two principles in it: Light and Dark. In order to live forever in happiness, the soul must develop due to good deeds, faithfully serving the earthly and heavenly families, increasing the part of Light (knowledge, information) and Fire (energy) in itself. At the same time, we go through the evolutionary path from gross material beings to subtle material ones. Thus, on the one hand, each of us develops our individual consciousness, and on the other, we act as an integral part of the Whole, the Universe-God, with the creators and direct executors of its Divine purpose.
When a person lives unrighteously (does not know, does not know the laws of the universe), creates injustice and destroys the world around him, this makes his soul dark and heavy. Therefore, after the death of a person, the Soul, vibrating at low vibrations, can fall into the lower world of unmanifest being – Nav. When the Soul enters Nav (the lower grossly material world), it inflicts suffering on itself: the injustice and evil that it has committed fall upon it as a terrible burden and cause cruel suffering. But in the Vedic tradition of our ancestors, Nav is also new – that is, the place from which a new start begins after an unsuccessful one.
The constant births of living beings in the real world (the world of Reality) form the basis of the Kolorod – the circle of rebirth of Souls. Coming to the embodied, material world of Reveal, Souls develop (evolve), receiving more and more perfect bodies. Repeatedly incarnating on Earth, they go through four kingdoms: mineral, vegetable, animal and human. The highest manifestation of the process of incarnation of the Soul in the world of Reveal (physical world) is its birth in the human body. Being born in the human body, the Soul successively passes through its growth different breeds of people (races) – black, yellow (red) and white.
Manifesting in a particular breed, it is born in that nation that best meets the objectives of its development in this embodiment. Staying in certain breeds (races) or historical eras can take place sequentially, or maybe not – it all depends on the general task of the soul, mental images, desires and actions manifested in each particular embodiment.
Each nation is heterogeneous and has a variety of souls embodied in it, therefore, depending on the level of its development, embodied souls create in each nation the degree (level) of soul development – Varna. In the Slavic Vedic tradition, 4 varnas are known: toilers (sudras), vesi (vaisi), knights (ksatriyas) and leading (brahmanas). Reborn in a certain nation, the soul successively passes through all levels of its society, taking turns being born in each of them. Then she rises to another breed and another people with higher tasks. Having risen to a rather high stage of development and ending their stay in human bodies, souls begin to be born in the divine, spiritual worlds of the Heavenly Clan.
The process of development of human souls through reincarnation is quite slow. In order to master the divine properties, we are given a field of action – the earthly world. Having exhausted all the experience, which is based on a variety of earthly experiences, both unpleasant and joyful, a person achieves self-knowledge. Thus, he is aware of his divine origin and oneness with God. This understanding leads him to perfection with the same inner inevitability with which the seed of grass gives grass, the seed of oak gives the oak, and the particle of God gives God. To gain experience, a person needs not one, but many lives. Depending on the task that the Universe sets before him, a person lives many times, incarnating in different eras, in a variety of conditions, until earthly experience makes him completely wise.
Source: alatyr.org.ua
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