“It is no coincidence and not for the sake of a red word that a man called a series of generations of his ancestors a family tree. It really is a tree trunk, which after a long winter sleep, each time dressing with new foliage, shoots in the image and likeness of the former… And every day new buds swelled on the young branches of the old tree, new and yet ancient, as nature designated the family tree: love and blood merged into a single inseparable concept…”
Gustav Meyrink
And in fact, it is very symbolic that even schematically the genealogical index of ancestors looks like a tree. Indeed, in nature, a tree grows from a seed, forms a trunk and branches covered with leaves on which fruits will later appear.
In the noble houses in the most prominent place there was always a tree with ancestors, in a portrait frame or written on an old scroll, it was the pride of the family. Now people are doing this more for their children, in order to interest them to instill a love of family and to do a creative cool thing for interior decoration.
Let’s see what the family tree symbolizes.
Tree is the oldest symbol of Life.
The image of the Family Tree reflects the unity and connection of three times: past, present and future.
Roots of a tree represents ancestors.
Trunk – the living.
Crohn, branches – the future of the Sort, descendants, continuation of the Sort in eternity.
Fruits and seeds, sowing the space around the tree, as well as foliage, withering in the fall and green again in the spring, is a sign of an endlessly reviving life in a generational change.
Only the three generations closest to you are fourteen names: father and mother, two grandfathers and two grandmothers, four great-grandfathers and four great-grandmothers. Five generations have sixty-two names, and this is without the names of their brothers and sisters, wives and husbands, and their children! Already now you can begin to make up such a unique and exciting family tree.
Any genealogy study rests on three pillars:
- Names.
- Dates of life (birth, baptism, wedding, death).
- Birthplace (village, farm or village, parish, county).
The absence of at least one component often makes searches impossible: one cannot find the traces of Pyotr Petrovich Petrov from Perm without knowing when he was born – at least approximately.
And it is impossible to find the same Petrov, born March 3, 1809, if it is not known where this significant event took place.
Many of our current problems, one way or another, are connected with some events from the past. In addition, knowledge of its roots instills confidence in people, helps to understand yourself, to realize your mission. Sometimes the good deeds of our ancestors encourage us to do the same, even if, due to our nature, this is not our nature.
Good luck in finding.